Monday, November 11, 2019

Bully In schools Essay

At times people tend to fear for their lives especially when being intimidated by someone who has a stronger might than them. By this the common term in today’s society is known as Bullying. Bullying is the use of force, threat, by pressuring one to be abused, intimidated, or imposing domination over others through fear. To this Sort of issue there are two sides to this manner, by one imposing threat with a result of being maliciously handled and the other being intimated by the dominant opponent who is pressing upon the weaker person. To as much as this may occur in America there are many ways to being bullied. There is verbal bullying which involves being harassed or picked on. Another one of the most common bullying today is cyber bullying which involves being bullied on the internet by perpetrators who are sickly involve to embarrass one individual because of features, gender, et cetera due to unjust hate and prejudice. Lastly another type of bullying is the Physical aspect of imposing fear by using abusive touches, by which one is maliciously abused or attacked. Bullying in schools has taken a height in violence and abuse where groups of students are not able to go to school due to intimidation and fear. This proposal will focus on the prevalence’s of bullying, why students and others should really care, and ways to address the issues of progressive bullying for future events. There are issues in which bullying shows the cases of Verbal-Bullying, Cyber-Bullying, and Physical –Bullying which can be all resolved with that of prevention strategies, which can restrict bullying by doing more than just creating programs to hope preventing bullying in schools. Verbal bullying is the cause of how bullies carryout there plans to intimidate, basically is the starting process. Many are times where we as ordinary unique people naturally hate to be teased by anybody that we do not  like or may not even know. The NICHD said that bullying can be â€Å"belittling insults about looks and speech where a common form of bullying won’t be identified† (Greenya, 2005). By this bullying at one point was mainly an era of just insults that cite violence and just plainly making in front of someone that is smaller and weaker. â€Å"Many victims of verbal bullying are affected in very real ways. Verbal bullying can affect one’s self image, and affect someone in emotional and psychological ways. This type of bullying can lead to low self-esteem, as well as depression and other problems. It can aggravate problems that a victim may already be experiencing at home or in other places. In some cases, verbal bullying can reach a point where the victim is so depressed† (Greenya, 2005). Bullying has evolved to playing around or joking around to simply insulting a person by just talking or teasing that person, and in most cases in verbal bullying is the foundation of different types bullying that are happening today. Verbal bullying can be the case of a fourth grader who is being teased around by his or her classmates who do not think he or she is cool enough to hang with them. â€Å"According to the report, more than half of the 8,289 students who committed acts of harassment or bullying were in grades 5 through 8†(McGlone, 2013) in schools. The â€Å"funny† thing is that â€Å"seventy-seven percent of bullying was verbal† (McGlone, 2013) during a school year. With statistics at high in schools calls for some attention in some cases especially dealing with scenarios like name calling which also should call for some disciplinary charges from the teacher or headmaster (principal) who can stop the abuse by initiating equality amongst the students i n the sense that no matter the differences there should never be bullying. Verbal bullying is more than just game playing or name calling is the cause of most social problems for some children. The way things form in school will also be happening in other places like workplaces and other places of companionship. When a child is being teased in school they are six out of ten times to skip school. If verbal abuse cannot seem to stop there will be other ways of abuse, therefore the ways to stop verbal bullying by people, and students like â€Å"Ignore the bully: This is difficult, but if you can shrug off insults and provide no reaction, there is a chance that eventually the bully will move on to someone who provides a more interesting and responsive target, Remain civil: Do not resort to rudeness yourself. Many bullies lose interest if you  do not sink to their level. Also, if you act rudely and aggressively yourself, you may invite a physical confrontation, which could add physical hurts to the emotional. Look for other sources of enjoyment: After school activities and other interests and hobbies can help you take your mind off of the verbal bullying.†(Greenya, 2005). By just putting on a straight face cannot help prevent future situations so getting more awareness and standing up for somebody can be a perfect way to alleviate stress and mental pains.   Cyber bullying is another extremism of harassment which can be insulting, threatening or even spreading rumors about an individual online. Even though cyber bullying is a social problem in the United States, individuals who are in power to do things should try and improve-bullying. In the article of CQ Researcher about bullying â€Å"the senator of Indiana Tom Wyss proposed anti-bullying legislation after seeing reports on the news investigating bullying in his state†( Billitteri, 2008). The senator recalls â€Å"Of kids getting beat up; of girls saying things on the internet like so-and-so is sleeping with so-and-so† (Billitteri, 2008) are common ideals of cyber bullying in schools and in public. Some of the perspectives of cyber- bullying are â€Å"sending mean messages or threats to a person’s email account or cell phone, spreading rumors online or through texts, posting hurtful or threatening messages on social networking sites or web pages, stealing a person’s account information to break into their account and send damaging messages† (Koch, 2000). For a senator to see comments like that online is enough proof to that cyber bullying is taking its peak. The senator went on to push for better support on anti-bullying, after seeing that children are committing suicide and suicide itself is on the rise. Another way one should look at bullying is the fact that some students are willing to go to the extreme by just ousting their problems. â€Å"In the October 1997 a student in Pearl, Miss., murdered his mother, then opened fire on classmates, killing two students and wounding seven. Two months later came the Paducah shootings. In 1998 two middle-school students in Jonesboro, Ark., killed four students and a teacher and wounded nine others† (Billitteri, 2008). In some or most cases the result from embarrassment online depending on the victim is seven out of ten times to commit suicide. Suicide is a very sudden thought to killing oneself due to thoughts of impoverished feelings due to  aggression and embarrassment. Suicide killing in the United States is a very common act especially for young teens from ages fourteen to their adult age of twenty-one. There are ways to address cyber bullying in points which are â€Å"Talking to teens about cyber bullying, explaining that it is wrong and can have serious consequences. Make a rule that teens may not send mean or damaging messages, even if someone else started it, or suggestive pictures or messages or they will lose their cell phone and computer privileges for a time, Encourage teens to tell an adult if cyber bullying is occurring. Tell them if they are the victims they will not be punished, and reassure them that being bullied is not their fault† (Hansing, 2004). Those are the ways of dealing with cyber bullying and also getting authority to be involved. Another result of cyber bullying is going on from the stepping stone from cyber bullying to physical abuse in other terms physical bullying. Nobody likes to be embarrassment or abuse on the internet which of course is a total disgrace and a bred of shame. Physical Bullying is another form of abuse which is done with malice. Nobody likes to be abused just because their overweight issues, sexual orientation or uniqueness. Many times researchers say that people who have been bullied in school are mostly because they are overweight, gay or et cetera. The result of these end up in physical abuse which is either a kid getting beat up by two or more kids who are more stronger and effective in number. â€Å"A lot of the issues that kids get into fights over are the same as they were 25 years ago,† he says. â€Å"What’s turn to weapons to end a dispute† (Koch, 2000). By this happening children who are beat up are most likely eight times out of ten times aware of danger next time before it happens again. The serious issue in the United States is decreasing the rate of teen suicide. Most of the reasons for teenage suicide is mainly due to physical abuse. This is a case that is not to be taken lightly as it is serious issue. According to CQ research â€Å"Gay students are also three to seven times more likely to attempt suicide; five times likely to miss school because they feel unsafe; four times as likely to be threatened with a weapon at school, and three times as likely to be hurt so badly in a fight that they need medical attention†(John Greenya, 2005). The case of bully because one is gay is very silly and senseless due to the fact that there is no  discipline from teachers and the headmaster. What are the ways to prevent physical abuse? Nobody really wants to step up to tackle physical bullying that is why there needs to be more reinforcements in how to prevent physical abuse. In the case of bullying and other abuses, there are ways to stop bullying and other kinds of abuses. The verbal bullying can be stopped by just reporting to a higher authority. For example a child of the age of five who is picked on by a group of students, the child can report to the teacher who is has the authority to punish the other students for abusing verbally. Another aspect of bullying which of course is cyber bullying which deals with abuses or the spreading of rumors online can be stopped can by simply contacting the authorities like the policemen who can resolve issues by handling the matter of the abuse. Lastly the aspect of physical bullying can be dealt with by taking the matter to court depending on how serious the abuse is, also pressing charges is a way dealing with matter. â€Å"Understand that the accusations, allegations, criticisms, taunts etc that the bullies make are all false and are a projection of the bullies’ own weaknesses, shortcomings, wrongdoings and failings. Whilst the accusations often contain a grain of truth, that grain of truth is there to fool you into thinking the whole accusation has validity, which it does not. The bullies’ have criticisms, allegation, accusation, taunts etc have no validity whatsoever. It is important to understand this† (Field, 2012) Bullying can be dealt with in so many ways it is the amount of support behind if that would have people looking at it as bad character instead of belittling it as a tease. Bullying is something of a disgrace in society where it has no control nor can it be subdued. Day by day four out of ten people in the United States of America commit suicide due to bullying, which is definitely not the answer nor is it a cure, it is simply taking your own life because of dis tress and nobody to back you up. The only way to get rid of a problem is to find a solution and the case with bullying in general is reporting. Annotated Bibliography Billitteri, Thomas J. â€Å"Discipline in Schools.† CQ Researcher 15 Feb. 2008: 145-68. Web. 24 Nov. This article talks about the differences in the schools and how school official are not doing enough to straighten issues in school one of which is bullying. There are many issues with bullying especially the aspects of the physical bullying and point which need to be address in schools. Students are not behaving like the way they should behave as the young academicians in schools. All of these are due to the fact there are more privileges being given to the wrong students who are empower to control student associations and et cetera. This article was very helpful to me due the fact there were lots of information take from in the article that were plentiful. Some of the quotes that are used in the article talk about rumours that talk â€Å"Of kids getting beat up; of girls saying things on the internet like so-and-so is sleeping with so-and-so† which show some the petty things people say. This quote will be used especially to talk about the things mentioned from a speech of a former governor of Indiana. This source is credible to the fact that it backs with some of the major events taken place in chronological order such a case â€Å"In the October 1997 a student in Pearl, Miss., murdered his mother, then opened fire on classmates, killing two students and wounding seven. Two months later came the Paducah shootings. In 1998 two middle-school students in Jonesboro, Ark., killed four students and a teacher and wounded nine others†. During these events students were both bullied and victims of attacks. These quotes will be used to talk about the physical and verbal aspects of bullying in schools. Field, Tim. â€Å"How to Combat Child Bullying and Tackle Bullying at SchoolExcerpts Summarised Tim Field’s BookBullycide: Death at Playtime.† How to Combat School Bullying, Action to Tackle School Bullying and How to Overcome Child Bullying. N.p., 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 23 Nov. 2014. This article is more of an informative article which tells us different ways to accept bullying and dealing with bullying by coping with the abuse. The article was written in a British journal to deal with different causes of bullying like mass suicide. If really noticed there is a phrase in the title named â€Å"Bullycide† which refers to the cause and effects in one word. Bullying which results in extreme cases such as suicide. This article would make the reader think well and feel the need to do something to change wayward  attitudes towards bullying. The author explain different types that have affected him due to the fact he was not cool or some type of way with his mates. The author went through physical abuse where in London he was bullied nearly everyday of the week at secondary school level, but the author used a quote that explains the strengths of standing out abuse like â€Å"â€Å"Understanding that the accusations, allegations, criticisms, taunts etc that the bullies make are all false and are a projection of the bullies’ own weaknesses, shortcomings, wrongdoings and failings. Whilst the accusations often contain a grain of truth, that grain of truth is there to fool you into thinking the whole accusation has validity, which it does not. The bullies’ have criticisms, allegation, accusation, taunts etc have no validity whatsoever. It is important to understand this† issue is for just a little while before there is a solution. Greenya, John. â€Å"Bullying.† CQ Researcher 4 Feb. 2005: 101-24. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. This article talks about the problems with bullying and perspectives of bullying in schools which causes problems for students who are trying to learn at school but end up skipping due to bullying. All of these are due to the fact there are more privileges being given to the wrong students who are empower to control student associations and et cetera. Students are described as the future of tomorrow in western societies. This article was found useful which talk about the difference in American schools and due to sexual orientation, gender, races things you know? like prejudice. Some of the quotes seen in this paper or used in the paper were used to talk about the verbal implied abuse like when in the article cites the superintendent of an Chicago county quoting what someone said by â€Å"belittling insults about looks and speech where a common form of bullying that won’t be identified†. Another quote from the article talk about the â€Å"verbal bullying can reach a point where the victim is so depressed† and feels the need to commit suicide. One of the issues that is very, very current talks about the â€Å"Gay students who are also three to seven times more likely to attempt suicide; five times likely to miss school because they feel unsafe; four times as likely to be threatened with a weapon at school, and three times as likely  to be hurt so badly in a fight that they need medical attention† from all the bruises collected from fighting. These quotes are useful due to the fact that it talks about the abuse children are getting whether their personal beliefs or just for the perpetrators amusement to be a prick. Hansen, Brian. â€Å"Hazing leading to Bullying.† CQ Researcher 9 Jan. 2004: 1-24. Web. 23 Nov. 2014. This article talks about the impressions form a simple hazing to do things are uncommon. One of the examples that can explain this is when Scott Krueger, a freshman from New York, went into a coma and died after binge drinking 15 shots of whiskey during a hazing ritual at MIT for the now-banned Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Part of this article focuses on the abuse being used when children are being overzealous or pressured to do something that is not allowed. Just imagine this young individual whose life have wasted due to the â€Å"coolness† of fraternity. Bullying was a key factor in the life of Scott Krueger which led to his death. This article was helpful to me due to the fact it explains avenues in which bullying can be proven. The quote used in the proposal was â€Å"Talking to teens about bullying, explaining that it is wrong and can have serious consequences. Make a rule that teens may not send mean or damaging messages, even if someone else started it, or suggestive pictures or messages or they will lose their cell phone and computer privileges for a time, Encourage teens to tell an adult if cyber bullying is occurring. Tell them if they are the victims they will not be punished, and reassure them that being bullied is not their fault†. This quote falls under the cyber bullying where I painted picture of what if someone did not do something but then was threatened cyberly on the internet. Koch, Kathy. â€Å"Zero Tolerance for School Violence.† CQ Researcher 10 Mar. 2000: 185-208. Web. 22 Nov. 2014. This article talks about the â€Å"A series of schoolyard mass killings in recent years has prompted school officials and lawmakers to impose mandatory punishments for a multitude of misbehaviors, many of them seemingly minor.  Proponents credit tough disciplinary policies with driving school crime rates down. But critics question their effectiveness and worry about the impact the policies are having on individual rights. And civil rights advocates say the policies are being used to kick out minority, disabled and academically challenged students who might drag down standardized test scores. But the latest school violence — the shooting of a Michigan first-grader on Feb. 29 by another 6-year-old — left little doubt that zero-tolerance policies will remain in force†. This phrase was pulled to talk about the widespread of abuse is creeping in schools. This article was helpful to me due to the abuse and violence in schools that need to be approached by law makers. One of the quotes used in the article goes on the physical, cyber and verbal aspect of bullying and can be identified through â€Å"sending mean messages or threats to a person’s email account or cell phone, spreading rumors online or through texts, posting hurtful or threatening messages on social networking sites or web pages, stealing a person’s account information to break into their account and send damaging messages† which can be used as a source of evidence to send the authorities. McGlone, Peggy. â€Å"Bullying Incidents Dropped Sharply in N.J. Public Schools Last Year, Report Finds.† N.p., 13 Dec. 2013. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. This article talks about the results from taking a stand against bullying whether in school or outside of school in New Jersey. This article shows that bullying in schools have drastically been dropped. This article used logos by citing numbers and percentages of how went down and what the key steps are in tackling bullying. One of the quotes used in the article for to my proposal was According to the report, more than half of the 8,289 students who committed acts of harassment or bullying were in grades 5 through 8 in schools. Which is to say that some of the actions taken in New Jersey schools were for children who were able to learn the differences of teasing and picking on students. Another quote used in this article was talking about the percentages which another form of logos when stating that out of the students who took surveys for verbal bullying â€Å"77 percent of the bullying was verbally abused† in schools. The quotes from the articles will talk about the reasoning in the aspects of getting verbally abused in  primary and secondary schooling.

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